
Privacy policy

Last updated : 24/09/23

If our Privacy policy changes, we will modify the text below. Therefore, we invite you to consult our Privacy policy regularly.

As part of using our services accessible on our site, as the data controller, we collect and process personal data concerning users.

This privacy policy applies to all data that we process when you use all of our services, visit our site or application, or interact with us through the various channels available to you.

It is important that you read this privacy policy so that you are fully informed about the processing of your personal data, the measures taken to protect it, and how you can exercise your rights.

1. Our Commitment

To respect users’ privacy, we are committed to ensuring the protection of personal data of all individuals involved in our data processing operations on our website and application. We also commit to complying with applicable legal and regulatory provisions for all personal data processing we implement, particularly the amended French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Protection Act”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”).

At the heart of our commitments, you will find the key principles outlined in these regulations, particularly in Article 5 of the GDPR, namely:

  • The lawful, fair, and transparent processing of your personal data;
  • Limiting the collection of personal data to specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes;
  • Minimizing personal data collection to what is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Ensuring the accuracy of personal data collected and keeping it up to date;
  • Securing the personal data collected, respecting the principles of integrity and confidentiality;
  • Limiting the retention of personal data to a duration not exceeding what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

Within our company, we raise awareness among all employees about respecting these rules. We comply with the rules set forth by the French data protection authority, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (hereinafter referred to as the “CNIL”).

2. Purposes

Our company processes data for specific purposes, and each data processing activity we undertake serves a legitimate, determined, and explicit purpose. All processing we implement requires appropriate and justified data collection. We ensure to collect and use only adequate, relevant, limited, and necessary data for the purposes for which they are processed.

The processing is necessary for the execution of the services we offer and responds to contractual necessity, our company’s legitimate interest, legal and regulatory obligations, and serves the following purposes:

  • Facilitating connections between influencers and brands;
  • Providing an optimal and user-friendly site;
  • Ensuring effective communication;
  • Enhancing your user experience on our site;
  • Sending information such as updates and/or advertisements about our services and their development;
  • Conducting statistics for the improvement and personalization of the site and the services we – offer;
  • Conducting surveys, studies, satisfaction surveys, and product tests;
  • Offering events and/or contests;
  • Informing about our news and services;
  • Characterizing and analyzing your profiles;
  • Handling the application process and potential presentation to clients;
  • Managing any potential disputes effectively;
  • Ensuring proper management of rights as per the applicable data protection regulations (GDPR).

3. Categories

We collect common personal data.

When you register as a Brand or Influencer, you fill out a form in which we may collect:

Brand: Brand name, email address, phone number, brand logo, and brand theme.

Influencer: Influencer’s username, email address, phone number, age, profile picture(s), city of residence, influencer account theme(s), and social media details.

When you choose to synchronize your Instagram or Facebook accounts with Zekolab, you consent to the disclosure of the following information to Brands: your most recent posts, your average number of “likes” received, your average number of comments received, your engagement rate, your number of followers, and the frequency of your posts.

Providing certain data is mandatory only when necessary to process your request or required by the application itself to respond appropriately to your request.

In compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, particularly concerning fraud, the absence of communication or inaccuracy of certain data may result in a decision not to accept your registration.

When you communicate with us via email or on social media, we may save these exchanges.

We also record your communication preferences, for instance, when you subscribe or unsubscribe from one of our newsletters or when you choose to receive communications through other channels (such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn).

We also retain information about your interests or preferences shared by you by leaving comments on our social media or responding to satisfaction surveys.

For more information on the personal data we receive through social media, we advise you to review their privacy policies.

When you visit our website or application, we may record your IP address, browser type, operating system, referring site, and browsing behavior.

For specific events or contests that we may offer in addition to our usual services, we may collect other types of data than those previously described. In such cases, in compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, information related to the processing of these data will be communicated to you in specific terms when you register for these events and contests.

We do not collect special personal data without your consent. Indeed, under legal and regulatory provisions, particularly concerning Article 9 of the GDPR, sensitive personal data will only be collected with your consent. This includes information that indirectly indicates your religious beliefs, health status, or ethnic origin.

We inform you that we never request sensitive information and advise you not to provide such information when using our services. If you choose to provide such data, we consider it as having received your consent.

When you use our website or application, we may collect information through cookies. For more details, we invite you to read our Cookie Management Policy.

4. Recipients

Within our company, your personal data is processed by all duly authorized personnel. For specific events or contests that we may offer in addition to our usual services, we may share your personal data with third parties, including partners participating in these events or contests. In such cases, in compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, information related to the processing of these data will be communicated to you in specific terms when you register for these events and contests.

Sharing personal data is done only when it is strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the services we offer.

Additionally, we require all our service providers and partners to implement security measures for the confidentiality and security of personal data.

The personal data we collect on the website and application is for internal use only and is not subject to any communication, transfer, or disclosure to third parties without your express and written authorization.

In cases where it is necessary to protect or defend our rights against legal actions and those of third parties, or for reasons of public interest, we may also need to transmit certain of your personal data to public authorities (police officers, courts, or any other authorized third party) if the disclosure of this information is required by legal, regulatory, or judicial procedures.

Our website and application contain links to third-party platforms. If you follow these links, this privacy policy no longer applies to the websites of these third parties.

For more information on the data management policies of these third parties, we invite you to consult their privacy policies and/or cookie management policies.

5. Retention

Within our company, we are committed, in compliance with legal and regulatory provisions and the recommendations of the CNIL, to retaining your personal data for a period not exceeding what is necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed (see Purposes) without exceeding twenty-four (24) months.

To ensure security and resolve ongoing disputes, we may need to process personal data for a duration longer than that required by the aforementioned provisions.

6. Security

In compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, particularly Article 32 of the GDPR, we implement technical and organizational measures to secure all personal data we collect. Our measures aim to prevent any destruction, loss, disclosure, or unauthorized access to this personal data, whether accidental or unlawful.

We also have a procedure to respond to potential breaches of personal data security.

If you notice any breach of confidentiality of your personal data, we invite you to contact us without delay at the following address: contact@zekolab.com.

7. Rights

In compliance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, you can contact us to exercise all of the following rights:

  • Right to withdraw consent: In compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, certain data are only processed after we have expressly obtained your consent. At any time, you have the right to inform us that you withdraw your consent. You can withdraw your consent by clicking on the link in our emails. For more information regarding your consent concerning cookies, we invite you to consult our Cookie Management Policy.

  • Right of access: At any time, you have the right to request a copy of all the personal data we hold about you. We will only provide this information, as soon as possible and subject to not infringing on the rights and freedoms of others, after verifying that you are indeed the person entitled to make this request. In this case, we will indicate the purposes of the processing concerned by the categories of data processed as well as all other information related to these processes (retention period of your data and other rights you have).

  • Right to rectification: At any time, you have the right to request a correction of any incorrect personal data we hold about you. In view of the processing purposes, you also have the right to request to complete this data.

  • Right to object: At any time, you have the right to request that we no longer process your personal data. This right only applies where our legitimate interests constitute the legal basis for the processing (see Purposes). If the personal data are necessary for the exercise or defense of a legal right, we may reject this objection request.

  • Right to erasure: At any time, you have the right to request the deletion of personal data we hold about you. This right can be exercised under the conditions provided in Article 17 of the GDPR, particularly when the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collected and processed them or when they have been unlawfully processed. We will delete this data, as soon as possible and subject to not infringing on the rights and freedoms of others, after verifying that you are indeed the person entitled to make this request. Moreover, in cases of legal or regulatory requirements, particularly concerning security, fraud prevention, or ongoing disputes, personal data may be retained.

Request the deletion of your data.

  • Right to data portability: At any time, you have the right to request the provision of the personal data you have directly provided to us in a structured format, if their processing is based on the collection of your consent or the performance of a contract. Other legal bases donot grant the right to data portability. If possible, you have the right to request that we transfer this data to another data controller.

  • Right to restriction of processing: At any time, you have the right to request that we limit the way we collect and process any personal data about you. This right can be exercised under the conditions provided in Article 18 of the GDPR, particularly when you dispute the accuracy of your personal data. It should be noted that this right does not lead to the erasure of your personal data.

8. Contact Us

For any question(s) regarding our privacy policy, please contact us by email (contact@zekolab.com) or by post at the following address:

ZEKOLAB Company 7 Allée des Saules 56850 CAUDAN FRANCE

To process your request under the best possible conditions, please accompany your request with the necessary elements for your identification.

We are committed to responding to you as soon as possible, which may vary depending on the complexity of your requests.

If we are unable to respond to your requests, we invite you to contact the competent data protection authority (CNIL).